
“Sometimes, when no one else takes action against injustice, you have to become your own hero.”

When Tara was nine her father died and she was adopted by the Satos, owners of multi-million dollar enterprise Mirai Technologies. Ten years later, the young woman once again abruptly had fate pull the rug from under her feet.

Faced with a situation she could never have dreamed of, threatened by those she had considered friends, Tara had to make a choice. So she put on a mask and cape, becoming someone who could do what no one else seemed prepared to – protect the city and fight those who explored it for their own ends

She became Lady Phantom. This is her story.


Written by Julie K Taylor and drawn by R Thomas Allwin, the prequel to our upcoming vigilante comic book Lady Phantom is now available for free download here:

Lady Phantom Issue Zero, high res (116MB)

Lady Phantom Issue Zero, low res (7MB)

The first six issue mini-series is in production, with Issue One scheduled for digital release in May, 2018.

Reblog: How do I find an Artist

My first reblog of 2018 is a six years old, but still very relevant, blog post by comics writer Jim Zub (whose excellent blog Zub Tales you should check out if you are interested in comics creation) – so check out if you want some advice on how to find an Artist for your comic, or if you are an artist looking for some insight into the writer’s side of things:

How Do I Find An Artist

Happy New Year!

2018 is here, Dear Reader!

Best instagram posts of 2017

Last year I took the leap from occasional creator to running my own business as a professional illustrator, graphic designer and writer – something that took a lot of courage, hard work and determination. 

There’s been bumps in the road causing delays in setting everything up, but I’m still on track.

My next steps are advertising myself more, catching up on both personal and professional projects so that I have a clear schedule ahead of me – and most importantly: improving my daily routine both personally and professionally.

All while balancing life as a father and partner, and going back to my part time day job after more than half a year as a stay-at-home dad.

I start the new year with clear goals in mind and a path staked out for turning my business into my primary means of support.

2017 was full of challenges, learning, and new acquaintances and connections. I bought a new apartment with the love of my life and together we built a home for our little family, something which allowed me to finally set up a professional creative work space (no more drawing at the dining room table!) and sort through all of my art supplies. 

I’ve connected with some amazing people, both privately and in my business, and they have been a big help and inspiration for me as I move forward with my goals.
2018 will also see the release of Lady Phantom – the vigilante comic book I’m doing with writer Julie K. Taylor – after nearly two years of preparation and hard work.

What did you accomplish in 2017 and what challenges do you anticipate in 2018?

Fade to Black

Black Friday has come and gone.

Having just shelled out for a new computer I abstained from the maddening rush of consumerism, and I refrained from doing any sort of Black Friday-related discounts on my own works.

Why not take the opportunity to attract customers, you may wonder?

Well, that’s a good question. The Plan was to do a campaign for this week, but life got in the way. i am still struggling to catch up with everything that was put on hold when my computer gave up.

And honestly I don’t feel it was a bad decision anyway. This webpage is still not tweaked for my proper launch, I have a list of to-do’s to work through, and new augments are trickling in at a rate that keeps me busy anyway.

And I probably won’t make it into the Black this year anyway. But that’s okay.

I’ve spent this year investing in myself and my work and even though I’m behind schedule I have still come a long way. So instead of racing toward those black figures I will spend the rest of the year preparing myself and my business for a slow and steady move toward my goals – a fade into black.

But what about you – did you fall for the temptation, Dear Reader? 

And if you did, was it deals on things you needed or stuff you would not have bought otherwise?

I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead

Oh, hey there – nice of you to stop by.

Things are a bit hectic here, but I’m glad you dropped in. As you may or may not know In taking this little sideshow of mine and making it the main attraction; I’m going pro, grabbing life by the dangly bits and holding on like my life depended on it – which isn’t that far from the truth, perhaps.

So what does this mean for you, Dear Reader?

Well, for starters it means you will see me update as  bit more frequently again. You’ll see more art, more ramblings and more insight into my professional life. You see, drawing and writing is now my profession – albeit part time – and this page is now turning from a private side project to the face of my business:

So if by chance you have the need for some art to brighten your day, your life, your project – or why not your workspace – feel free to get in touch and we can discuss it. Otherwise, just hang around and I hope I’ll keep you at least mildly entertained.

Oh, and in the near future you’ll see some further additions to this page.

There’s a lot to do yet. I’m preparing for a little ‘ launch party’ of sorts – or maybe a wake for the passing of the last vestiges of my free time.

Ah well, I’ll get plenty of rest when I’m dead.